p0werballresultstoday| 2327 private equity institutions have achieved the lead of large institutions with floating profits for three consecutive months

Our reporter Chang Jiaoyu

According to the latest data from private placement network, from February to April this year, private equity firms achieved buoyancy for three months in a row, with large institutions taking the lead. At the same time, in the first four months of this year, quantitative strategies outperformed subjective strategies.

The fund manager of a 10 billion yuan private equity firm in North China told the Securities Daily thatP0werballresultstodayOn the one hand, after the promulgation of the new 'National Nine articles', the policy system of '1percent N' in the capital market has been accelerated and strengthened.P0werballresultstodayEnhance the confidence of investors and further promote the stable and healthy development of the capital market. On the other hand, the market situation provides a good investment environment for private equity funds, and professional investment teams can also flexibly respond to market changes and achieve excess returns. "

2327 organizations achieve buoyancy

According to the latest data from the private placement network, as of April 30, the average return of 4777 private equity firms with performance records in April was 0.P0werballresultstoday91%. Judging from the overall performance in the first four months of this year, private equity firms have achieved surpluses for three consecutive months from February to April, nearly flattening the decline in January, which has also led to a narrowing of the average return of private equity firms to-0 in the first four months.P0werballresultstoday41%. Among them, 2327 private equity firms achieved floating profits, accounting for 48.71%, and the average rate of return of the top 10 institutions reached 101.78%.

p0werballresultstoday| 2327 private equity institutions have achieved the lead of large institutions with floating profits for three consecutive months

Zheng Yanxin, FOF fund manager of Quanjing Fund, told Securities Daily: "from mid-February to the end of April, all major A-share indexes have risen well." At the same time, the overall style of this year's market is not as extreme as last year, most sectors have been obvious valuation repair, better money-making effect. "

Specifically, in April, the average rate of return of 67 private equity firms with management sizes ranging from 5 billion yuan to 10 billion yuan was 2.06%, and the average rate of return in the first four months of this year was 1.99%, outperforming private equity firms of other management sizes in the same period. In the first four months of this year, 39 private equity firms with management sizes ranging from 5 billion yuan to 10 billion yuan achieved floating profits, accounting for 58.21%. Zhongye Zheng Enterprise (Beijing) International Investment Co., Ltd., Shanghai Xiwa Private Fund Management Center (limited partnership), Shanghai Jiupeng Asset Management Center (limited partnership) and other institutions have performed relatively well.

However, private equity firms with a scale of more than 10 billion yuan do not perform as well as those that manage private equity firms with a scale of 5 billion to 10 billion yuan. According to the data, the average return of 75 private equity firms worth 10 billion yuan in April was 1.26%, compared with an average of 0.96% in the first four months of this year.

Private equity firms with medium-sized management are doing equally well. According to the data, the average rate of return of the 180 private equity firms with management sizes ranging from 2 billion yuan to 5 billion yuan was 1.27% in April, compared with 1.56% in the first four months of this year. Among them, the proportion of institutions that achieve floating profits is 60.56%, and the average rate of return of the top 10 institutions is 17.59%. The average return of the 216 private equity firms with a record of management ranging from 1 billion yuan to 2 billion yuan was 0.87% in April and 1.33% in the first four months of this year.

The number of small private equity firms is the largest, but the performance is at the bottom. In April, the average return of the 366 private equity firms with performance records ranging from 500 million yuan to 1 billion yuan was 0.78%, compared with 0.99% in the first four months of this year. The average rate of return of the 3873 private equity firms with a management size of less than 500m yuan is 0.88%, and the average rate of return for the first four months of this year is-0.80%, the only type of institution with floating losses.

The quantitative strategy wins subjectively in the first four months.

According to private placement network data, in April, the average return of 641 quantitative private equity firms with performance records was 0.65%, and the average rate of return in the first four months of this year was 0.45%. Among them, the proportion of institutions that achieve floating profits is 51.17%, and the average rate of return of the top 10 institutions is 40.33%. The average return of the 3029 subjective private equity firms with performance records was 0.87% in April and-0.79% in the first four months of this year. Among them, the proportion of institutions that achieve floating profits is 47.61%, and the average rate of return of the top 10 institutions is 87.29%. Due to the excellent overall performance of quantitative institutions in February and March, quantitative private equity firms outperformed subjective private equity firms in the first four months of this year.

Zheng Yanxin believes: "the overall performance of the quantitative strategy is relatively similar, in the context of significant growth in each major index, coupled with the full position operation, the absolute return will be more eye-catching." The subjective strategy fund managers' investment practices are relatively diverse, the performance of the good and the bad are intermingled, at the same time, some subjective 'contestants' may worry about the market valuation rising and falling and reduce their positions in the later stage, resulting in the situation that they can not beat the index. "

In the view of the aforementioned fund managers, under the combined action of the changing market environment, favorable policy support and flexible response to market fluctuations and opportunities, quantitative private equity firms perform better at the moment.