avetsxj53| China Ruyi (00136) plans to acquire 100% equity of Beijing Youai Huyu Technology for 259 million yuan

Zitong Financial App NewsAvetsxj53, China Ruyi (00136) announced that on May 7, 2024, Beijing Ruyi (the companyAvetsxj53The controlled structural entity) and the seller (Beijing Asahi Lightyear Information Technology Co., Ltd. And Beijing Youyi Technology Co., Ltd.) entered into an equity transfer agreement. Beijing Ruyi intends to purchase 100% of the sales equity of Beijing Youai Mutual Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd. from the seller at a consideration of RMB 2.Avetsxj53.59 billion (subject to adjustment). Upon completion of the equity transfer, the target company will become an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the company and the financial performance, assets and liabilities of the target company will be consolidated into the accounts of the group.

avetsxj53| China Ruyi (00136) plans to acquire 100% equity of Beijing Youai Huyu Technology for 259 million yuan

According to the announcement, the core asset of the target company is the R & D assets of the "command & conquer:red alert ol" game. The IP of the project comes from the well-known stand-alone game IP "Red Alert (Red Alert)" of Electronic Arts Company in the United States, which has a deep market foundation and a wide range of players. In the past three years, the "command & conquer:red alert ol" project has performed steadily. Based on the simulation game life cycle, the company believes that the "command & conquer:red alert ol" project will still have considerable profits in the future, and its R & D assets will also maintain high commercial value, in line with the company's acquisition standards.