playeuropeanroulette| Netfish E-sports reached 1100 stores, and upgrades of software and hardware services increased performance growth

For China's Internet service industryPlayeuropeanrouletteThe year after the end of the epidemic is undoubtedly a year of steady improvement and marked signs of recovery.

2023PlayeuropeanrouletteFor the whole year, the total retail sales of consumer goods in China exceeded 47 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.2 percent over the previous year, and the scale reached an all-time high. Under the environment of steady economic recovery, the Internet service industry has also ushered in new opportunities for development. In 2023, the number of Internet cafes nationwide reached 77000, an increase of 67 percent over the same period last year, and industry revenue exceeded 54.3 billion. It shows the exuberant vitality and huge development potential of the Internet bar industry.

E-sports, the leading brand in the Internet service industry, announced the official landing of its 1100th business store on April 30, 2024. The time when the new milestone was reached came just four months after net fish e-sports announced that Qiandian reached an agreement at the end of last year.

playeuropeanroulette| Netfish E-sports reached 1100 stores, and upgrades of software and hardware services increased performance growth

The achievement of adding 100 stores in four months is closely related to the recovery of the industry as a whole, but a more important reason is e-sports 's comprehensive upgrading of the internal software and hardware facilities and the service quality of C-end and B-end. In particular, the rapid popularity of the 6.5 version of standard stores launched last year has not only enhanced the online experience of customers, but also effectively enhanced the willingness of investors to return.

Speed up the recovery of the Internet service industry, practice "internal skills" to meet the opportunities of the industry

In the past year, online fish e-sports announced a number of milestones, such as more than 27 million registered members and more than 100 stores in the industry. And under these surprising achievements, e-sports, the net fish, has been upgrading the service concept to better serve end users, and at the same time, by establishing closer ties with investors, to provide better services for investors with better management, making investors' investment intention all the way higher.

From January to April 2024, online fish e-sports signed 150 new stores across the country, and the repurchase rate was as high as 59%, including 15 in the highly competitive Shanghai market and 10 old stores renovated in version 6.5. Version 6.5 stores account for about 85% of newly signed stores, while the upgrading of old stores is still in progress.

According to the data displayed by the online fish, after the transformation of version 6.5, the old online fish e-sports store as an example, the average daily revenue of the first 6.5 store in Shanghai South Station increased by 132.55%, and the average daily turnover increased by 82.24%. The average daily revenue of Tianyaoqiao Road, the first key store, increased by 65.64% and 40.23%, respectively.

It is not difficult to see that e-sports, the net fish, has not only successfully ushered in a recovery with the whole industry, but also adapted to the new market demand and development trend through practical and effective means such as the launch of version 6.5 stores, thus bringing eye-catching performance growth.

Face the needs of customers directly, upgrade software and hardware to store experience.

For a long time, e-sports, the online fish as the industry leader, has always attached importance to the continuous improvement of customers' online service experience. In the first quarter of this year, Netfish continues the mode of combining hardware and software, and strives to meet more consumer needs for hardware configuration, peripherals and environmental services under the new market demand environment.

As the core of the Internet service industry, the hardware level is undoubtedly the first condition for the development of e-sports. The fully upgraded version 6.5 standard store is based on 40-series graphics card configuration, and some high-end private rooms are even equipped with 4090 graphics cards and 360Hz high-brush monitors to meet the needs of high-end users. 6.5 version of the continuous opening of stores, so that the online fish e-commerce stores in the hardware configuration has a leading advantage in the industry average.

Netfish 6.5 version of the store in the decoration design as far as possible to adopt soft lighting and not dazzling no main light scheme, at the same time, some stores also added "peripheral rental", "shower room" and other service function areas, to provide customers with more intimate one-stop service. In addition to the hardware configuration to meet the needs of users and visual improvement of decoration, e-sports, the net fish, also achieved effective control at the cost level.

In the past April, Netfish joined hands with Nvidia to create a flash store event in Wuhan. During the event, e-sports, the online fish, brought the store layout and atmosphere of version 6.5 to the atrium of the shopping mall in Wuhan, so that many consumers who had not come into contact with the environment of the Internet cafe could directly get the experience of gang up and competition under the same conditions as the Internet cafe. Not only that, the scene also invited eggplant, Dank1ng, eq118, Ah Hao and other popular anchors from games such as "Dauntless contract" and "Genting Game" to come in person, not only the scene was quite popular, but also related photos and videos were widely spread on social media.

With the continuous upgrading of internal and external service quality and the superior software and hardware environment, the online fish brand has become synonymous with the domestic Internet service industry, especially the high-end Internet service brand. In the film and television works filmed in recent years, whenever there are scenes such as high-end Internet cafes, the crew will mostly choose to take scenes in online fish stores. Just like the hit drama "Little days" starring Chen Xiao some time ago, which reflects the plot of Internet cafes, it unsparingly shows the scene of online fish stores.

Join hands with Tencent to continuously promote digital marketing innovation

In the huge Internet industry chain, although the scale of the Internet service industry is limited, it is inextricably linked with the software industry, interactive entertainment industry and IT hardware industry. Therefore, actively seeking external cooperation is also an indispensable and important link in the development of this industry.

Based on this understanding, on the one hand, online fish e-sports closely follow the industry trend in terms of online service content, establish long-term and stable cooperative relations with key platforms and games, and continue to absorb and accommodate potential emerging content, on the other hand, through cross-border cooperation with software and hardware manufacturers and brands, so as to create the differentiated characteristics of the online fish brand.

For example, last year, Netfish began to vigorously upgrade and transform its desktop system, and connected the Netfish membership system with Tencent Games, successfully accessing popular games such as "Crossing the Line of Fire" and "fearless contract", and is expected to access more games in the future. to better serve gamers.

In March this year, Internet fish e-sports successfully joined hands with Tencent Games Life's QQ Net Bar platform to innovate and launch the first Internet bar joint mission activity of the "fearless contract".

This activity is a joint activity created with the all-hero "Twilight Butterfly" of the fearless contract, in which users only need to find store employees wearing exclusive clothing in e-sports, the net fish, and shout the exclusive slogan "tile addiction is committed". You can not only move the customized drink cup of the fearless contract, but also get the exclusive dauntless contract task through the desktop system and win rich prizes. Some joint theme stores have attracted a large number of Douyin KOL and fearless indentured players to sign in.

In May, the net fish also joined hands to "cross the line of fire" to create a "May Hi Festival" carnival ceremony. During the event, users can get the exclusive privilege of "crossing the line of fire" at the online fish store, not only to get a store-wide voice broadcast when playing "five Kills", but also to launch the exclusive role "Meow Meow". You can also get online fish joint exclusive spraying and other benefits through the desktop system.

While the series of activities have been well received, it has also enhanced the popularity and reputation of the net fish e-sports brand in the "fearless contract" and "Crossing the Line of Fire" players.

There is no doubt that it is the creative marketing cooperation that enables brands in the upper and lower reaches of the industrial chain to become long-term partners of e-sports, thus bringing increasingly rich industry resources and characteristic service content to Netfish.

The general environment of the recovery of the industry after three years of cold winter, as well as the continued popularity of new and old games, have brought both opportunities and challenges. Through the continuous upgrading of software, hardware and service content, e-sports, an online fish, has gained a good reputation among two different groups of consumers and investors. Because of this, it only took 4 months from the milestone of Qiandian to the landing of the 1100th store.

With the 6.5 version of the standard store well received inside and outside the industry, and the result of ordering investors to be satisfied from the revenue level, it is believed that e-sports, the net fish, will still be able to continue to advance by leaps and bounds with the continuous upgrading of service quality in the new quarter. lead the overall warming trend of the domestic Internet service industry.

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