gofishcasino| Secretary of the Board of Directors of Jinshiyuan responds to the dispute with Yanghe shares

Today, Wang Weidong, the secretary of this world, will be asked about the competition between the company and Yanghe shares in the company's 2023 performance presentation.

GofishcasinoHe saidGofishcasinoThe two companies are the main representatives of Jiangsu liquor, and Yanghe has set a good example for Jiangsu liquor to go out of Jiangsu and go to the whole country.

gofishcasino| Secretary of the Board of Directors of Jinshiyuan responds to the dispute with Yanghe shares

He pointed out that "competition and cooperation" is the main theme of the market, each has its own advantages and unique tracks, and the two sides are different in culture and concept. "when launching new products, they are always in the wrong position. I have never said that I have a 1000 model, and he has also developed a 1000 model. It has never been like this. It is basically misplaced up and down." of course, there are also some that are not suitable to be described in particular detail on this occasion. "both of us will continue to carry forward our own advantages, cultivate intensively in areas and races where we have comparative advantages, and give full play to our strengths and avoid weaknesses. Make your own contribution to making Dasu wine for your work, "says Wang Weidong.

On April 30, Shiyuan disclosed its 2023 annual report. According to the report, the company achieved total revenue of 101 in 2023.Gofishcasino10 billion yuan, an increase of 28% over the same period last yearGofishcasino.05%; net profit returned to the mother was 3.136 billion yuan, up 25.30% over the same period last year; non-net profit was 3.136 billion yuan, up 25.57% over the same period last year; net cash flow from operating activities was 2.8 billion yuan, an increase of 0.74% over the same period last year; during the reporting period, Shiyuan's basic earnings per share was 2.5153 yuan, and the weighted average return on net assets was 25.92%. The company's annual profit distribution plan for 2023 is: it is proposed to distribute 10 yuan (including tax) to all shareholders for every 10 shares.

At today's performance meeting, some investors said, "it is admirable that the company can continue to counterattack and crush Yanghe in Jiangsu Province."

The investor asked, "what is the reason for the company's excellent performance?" What more effective brands and marketing strategies will there be in the process of brand nationalization in the future? "

In response, Gu Xiangyue, chairman of Shiyuan, responded that the company focused on the primary task of high-quality development, comprehensively upgraded the "six major management systems", the main economic indicators reached an all-time high, and the quality of development continued to improve.

First, in terms of brands and products, we have carried out the "year of Brand value Promotion", promoted the "year of Optimization and Promotion of Distribution subjects", persisted in tackling key market problems and deepening reform in the same direction, and effectively co-ordinated the coordinated development of the three major brands and four major lines. The brand potential has been promoted, and the basic status of large items has become more prominent.

Second, in terms of market expansion, the provincial market strives for balanced development, strives for market space, and steadily expands the Jiangsu stronghold market; non-provincial markets attack the city and implement the focus strategy, and some breakthroughs have been made in the key sector market.

Third, in terms of the management system, the reform of the system and mechanism has been optimized, and the modernization level of corporate governance capacity has been raised; in terms of talent construction, the strategy of "strengthening enterprises with talents" has been promoted with the "100 thousand talents project" as the starting point, and talent agglomeration has taken off.

On April 30, Shiyuan disclosed its 2023 annual report. According to the report, in 2023, the company achieved a total operating income of 10.1 billion yuan, an increase of 28.05% over the same period last year, a net profit of 3.136 billion yuan, an increase of 25.30% over the same period last year, and a deduction of 3.136 billion yuan from non-net profit, an increase of 25.57% over the same period last year. Net cash flow from operating activities was 2.8 billion yuan, an increase of 0.74% over the same period last year During the reporting period, Shiyuan's basic earnings per share was 2.5153 yuan, and the weighted average return on equity was 25.92%. The company's annual profit distribution plan for 2023 is: it is proposed to distribute 10 yuan (including tax) to all shareholders for every 10 shares.

Specifically, from the point of view of the products, the special A + liquor products with a factory guidance price of more than 300 yuan are the main force of revenue. Last year, the revenue reached 6.503 billion yuan, an increase of 25.13% over the same period last year, and the gross profit margin reached 85.52%, an increase of 1.45% over the same period last year. The special class A liquor products with a price range of 100,300 yuan reached 2.87 billion yuan last year, an increase of 37.11 percent over the same period last year, with a gross profit margin of 71.07 percent, an increase of 2.97 percent over the same period last year.

The revenue of category A, B, C and D products was 411 million yuan, 159 million yuan and 86.49 million yuan respectively, an increase of 18.65%, 6.55% and-0.6% over the same period last year.