freerollpokertournaments| People familiar with the matter talk about the claim case taken by the United States: China and the United States have sued more than 2.2 billion yuan in claims

Sina Science and Technology News on the evening of May 11FreerollpokertournamentsMeitu Technology issued a statement today clarifying the lawsuit against byte intellectual property rights. According to people close to the case, Mei's statement is spreading rumors and is using information gaps to confuse facts. Because Meishi filed a lawsuit against TikTok in the United States, TikTok was forced to agree that Meituo and relevant experts could go to the TikTok office to check some of the source code involved in the case. These code photos and the experts hired by them can only be viewed, cannot be taken away, and should be kept confidential. In Mei's statement, it became "TikTok open source code to American judges."

freerollpokertournaments| People familiar with the matter talk about the claim case taken by the United States: China and the United States have sued more than 2.2 billion yuan in claims

According to relevant information, the company has an annual income of 40 million yuan in 2020. The normal price of the software involved is 350000 yuan per year. But the total claim for byte jump is more than 2.2 billion yuan.

The person said that since 2021, Mei Photo has sued nine times in domestic courts, and six of these cases have been decided at first instance. Meitsu claims a total of 3 in these 6 cases.Freerollpokertournaments.2.4 billion. However, the court only upheld the compensation of 6.27 million yuan, accounting for less than 2%. And after the appeal, Meituo took the initiative to reduce the claim amount to 79 million yuan, which is only 24% of the original claim amount.

The person also said that Meiwei launched an overseas lawsuit against tiktok in Texas in 2021. But Tiktok's registered operation camp is not in Texas, and Beauty Photo has no actual operation in Texas.