casinoclassic50freespins| Accelerate the transformation of the value of data elements and "take advantage of" new development momentum. The China Electronic Data Elements and Data Assettization Forum was successfully held

On May 25, a sub-forum on data elements and data capitalization, co-sponsored by China Electronics and China Economic system Reform Research Association, was held in Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center. With the theme of "accelerating the butterfly change of the value of data elements and 'multiplying' the new momentum of development", the forum explores an effective way to empower the development of new productive forces with data elements to serve the construction of digital China with high quality. Liu Liehong, member of the party group of the National Development and Reform Commission, secretary of the party group and director of the State data Bureau, Yuan Yi, member and deputy director of the standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial people's Congress, Li Ligong, deputy secretary and general manager of the China Electronic Party Group, Lu Zhipeng, member of the party group and deputy general manager, Luo Ping, vice chairman of the Fuzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference and first-class inspector Shi Minglei, executive director of the Research Institute for Comprehensive Reform of Market-oriented allocation of data elements and Secretary-General of the China Economic Reform Research Foundation, as well as more than 400 guests from provincial and municipal government and enterprise leaders, experts and scholars attended the event to share the new trend in the development of data elements. and jointly witness the release of the latest practical achievements of China Electronics in the field of data elements.

casinoclassic50freespins| Accelerate the transformation of the value of data elements and "take advantage of" new development momentum. The China Electronic Data Elements and Data Assettization Forum was successfully held

Liu Liehong said that data capitalization is not only an important starting point to realize the value of data, but also a long-term process that needs to be continuously promoted by theoretical and practical exploration, and needs the strong support and guarantee of data property rights and registration system. the promotion and promotion of the circulation and trading market also needs the traction and incentive of data application scenarios. Since its establishment, the State data Bureau has continuously improved the basic systems of data property rights, circulation and transaction, income distribution, and security governance, and deeply implemented the "data elements ×" three-year action to promote the construction of a market for data elements. We will promote the construction of a good atmosphere for the development and utilization of data with clear powers and responsibilities, smooth flow, obvious effects, safety and order, and further release the multiplier effect of data elements. In the future, we are willing to work with all sectors of society to make continuous efforts from the aspects of system, ecology, scene, etc., to explore the path of data capitalization in promoting data development and utilization, and to better realize data value in the process of data capitalization. Let digital dividends benefit thousands of banks and industries.

Yuan Yi said that the Fujian provincial party committee and provincial government have consolidated the foundation for digital development and created an environment for digital development, which has achieved remarkable results. At present, data elements have run through all aspects of economic and social life, and data assets, as a new type of assets in the digital transformation, have also formed a broad consensus in the industry. Data elements and data capitalization is not only an important task of digital China construction, but also an important driving force to promote economic and social development. This year's Digital China Construction Summit particularly highlighted data elements, especially set up a theme forum on "data elements and data capitalization" to extensively gather the wisdom of all parties and analyze the theoretical connotation, technical path and engineering practice of the development of data elements. We should take this forum as an opportunity to jointly promote the development of data elements and data capitalization in the spirit of openness, cooperation and win-win results, so as to contribute wisdom and strength to the construction of digital China.

Li Ligong pointed out that as a central enterprise with Internet information as its core business, China Electronics actively distributes data elements, innovates to form data element governance projects, and solves key issues such as data authorization and circulation and transactions. we will create a new digital infrastructure with unified standards and independent security, and consolidate the foundation for the construction of digital China. At present, the systematic solution of China Electronics in the field of data has been put into practice in many places throughout the country, and scene applications have been formed in key industries such as finance, energy, transportation, etc., and continue to promote the reform of market-oriented allocation of data elements. enable the high-quality development of digital economy and real economy. The deep integration of data and technology, scenes and applications will give birth to new industries, new business type and new models. China Electronics is willing to work with colleagues from all walks of life to cultivate new quality productive forces with data elements and promote new development in the construction of digital China.

Theoretical innovation guides practice to solve the problem of value release of data elements.

With the in-depth development of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform, the wave of digitization is sweeping the world. To accelerate the construction of digital China, we need to give full play to the advantages of China's massive data (603138) and rich application scenarios, and create high-quality development, new kinetic energy and new advantages. Participants shared cutting-edge theoretical and practical achievements on how to release the value of data elements and the difficulty of the pain points that need to be solved in the development of the data field.

Lu Zhipeng delivered a keynote speech entitled "data element"-the fulcrum for maximizing the value of data assets.Casinoclassic50freespinsHe pointed out that data elementalization is the realization path of data capitalization, and China's electronic innovation defines "data elements", which solves the problems of data determination, valuation, pricing, security and privacy protection, and can also be used as the subject matter of data circulation. to form a perfect data asset system. As a stable form of data elements, data elements not only have security attributes, value attributes and quality attributes, but also improve data value density while realizing risk isolation and security control of data. realize the product circulation and large-scale application of data resources. The practice of data capitalization carried out by China Electronics and Deyang has fully proved that data elements are an important fulcrum to maximize the value of data assets, promote the realization of the market allocation model of data elements, and pry the huge market value of data resources. to promote the high-quality development of digital economy. Wu Zhigang, Deputy Director of China Software (600536) Evaluation Center and standing Committee member of CCF data Governance Development Committee, Yang Dong, President of Cross Science Research Institute of Renmin University of China, and Li Junyuan, Deputy Director of Informatization and Industrial Development Department of National Information Center, respectively shared around the construction of data elements market operation system, data co-vote capitalization, data technology development and other topics.

Industry-university-research coordination to promote data elements to play a multiplier effect

The Research Institute for Comprehensive Reform of Market-oriented allocation of data elements, jointly established by China Electronics, China Economic system Reform Research Association and China Economic Reform Research Foundation, has carried out research on the pilot and continuous deepening of the comprehensive reform of the market-oriented allocation of data elements, and compiled and completed the White Paper on the Comprehensive Reform of the Market-oriented allocation of data elements (2024).

Shi Minglei pointed out in the release of the white paper that the comprehensive reform of the market-oriented allocation of data elements across the country has achieved remarkable results in the past year, showing new features and new features such as a more obvious value of data assets, solid and detailed innovation of local systems, and deep integration of data technology and various links. characteristics. This year's "Government Work Report" clearly states that "we must deepen the comprehensive reform of market-oriented allocation of factors" and put forward new requirements for the reform. In the next step, we must continuously deepen the comprehensive reform of market-oriented allocation of data elements and activate the value of data elements by building a data element and capitalization development system that is promoted in an integrated manner by "evaluation specifications + scenario guidance + financial support". In the release of practical results, Data Industry Group and Qianxin respectively released the "Data Element Processing and Trading Center 3"casinoclassic50freespins.0 "and" Qianxin Data Security Operation Platform "realize large-scale development and production and intelligent scheduling management of data components, and provide comprehensive data security solutions to create a safe and reliable data infrastructure.

During the signing process, the Data Industry Group signed cooperation and co-construction agreements with seven companies including China Power Data, Xugong Group, Beijing Yitai, Jiangsu Jinnong, China Insurance Automobile Services, Beijing Guolian, and Shanxi Global Frog to explore joint construction. A data platform supported by data security and data factorized data infrastructure promotes the integration and sharing of industry data security.

The Data Industry Group has signed data element Internet cooperation and co-construction agreements with data trading institutions in Xicheng District of Beijing City, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou, and Suzhou, as well as a number of cooperative enterprises to build a national data element Internet, accelerate the efficient circulation of data elements in various regions, domains, and all walks of life, and empower economic and social development.

During the round-table forum, government and enterprise leaders and industry experts attending the meeting held in-depth discussions on the topics of public data authorization and operation and release of the value of data elements. Zheng Lei, a professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University, released the "2024 Public Data Open Operation Report in the Field of Financial Services." The site also commended outstanding practical cases emerging in public data authorization operations, data component production and data fusion applications.

Taking this forum as an opportunity, China Electronics will continue to deepen the research and practice of data elements and data assets, join hands with all parties to actively promote the construction and development of the data element market, accelerate the transformation of data value, and "take advantage of" the development of the digital economy. New momentum.

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