jeopardyfan| Are the LinkLink engines domestically made or imported?

Lectra carjeopardyfan, as a high-end automobile brand under Geely Group, it has been affected by its launch in 2016jeopardyfanIt has attracted widespread attention from domestic and foreign consumers. Among them, Lynx's engine is one of the focuses of consumers 'attention. Are LinkLink's engines domestically made or imported? This issue is undoubtedly of great significance to consumers who care about the quality and performance of cars.

The origin of the Lynk engine

LinkLink's engines mainly come from two channels: one is the engine technology independently developed by Geely Group, and the other is the engine developed in cooperation with Volvo Cars.

Geely independently developed engine

As one of the largest private automobile manufacturers in China, Geely Group has many years of automobile manufacturing experience and technology accumulation. In terms of engine technology, Geely already has a number of mature and reliable engine products through independent research and development and technological innovation. The engine independently developed by Geely used by Linkages adopts advanced turbocharging technology and has good power performance and fuel economy.

Engine developed in cooperation with Volvo Cars

jeopardyfan| Are the LinkLink engines domestically made or imported?

The cooperation between Link Motors and Swedish automaker Volvo Cars provides important support for the high-end and internationalization of Link's engines. The engine developed in cooperation with Volvo Cars used by LinkLink Cars adopts Volvo Cars 'advanced engine design concepts and technologies and has higher performance and reliability.

The quality and performance of Lynk engines

Whether it is an engine independently developed by Geely or an engine developed in cooperation with Volvo Cars, Lynk Motors 'engines have high quality and performance. LinkLink's engines have reached industry-leading levels in terms of power performance, fuel economy, and emission levels. At the same time, LinkLink has also done a lot of work in terms of engine reliability and durability, ensuring long-term use and stable performance of the engine.

Types and configurations of Lynx engines

Engine type Maximum displacement Maximum power Maximum torque Geely independently developed engine 1jeopardyfan.5L 130 kW 265 Nm Volvo Cars cooperates to develop engine 2jeopardyfan.0L 187 kW 350 Nm

As can be seen from the table, LinkLink offers engine options with different displacements and different powers to meet the needs of different consumers. Whether it is an engine independently developed by Geely or an engine developed in cooperation with Volvo Cars, Link Motors is committed to providing high-quality products and services, which has won the recognition and trust of consumers.