visualpinball| Up 25%! Ultra-long-term special treasury bonds will be suspended continuously on the first day of listing!

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In early trading today, A shares continued to fluctuate slightly, major stock indexes rose and fell each other, and trading between the two cities continued to shrink.

On the market, real estate, photovoltaic, medical beauty, banking and other sectors led the increase, while tourism, ships, vitamins, wine and other sectors led the decline.

"2024 ultra-long-term special treasury bonds (first issue)" (bond abbreviationVisualpinball: 24 Special Administrative region 01) officially listed today, warmly sought after by the market, opened sharply higher and left high, halted for the second time because the price reached the limit, and trading will resume at 15:27 according to relevant regulations. When trading is suspended, it goes up 25% to 124.Visualpinball.999 yuan. "24 Special Administrative region 01" issued 40 billion yuan with a term of 30 years with a coupon of 2.Visualpinball.57%, interest is paid half a year.

visualpinball| Up 25%! Ultra-long-term special treasury bonds will be suspended continuously on the first day of listing!

Institution: photovoltaic gives birth to greater long-term opportunities

The concept of photovoltaic rose across the board in early trading, with the plate index rising more than 1% in a straight line in intraday trading. Kumgang photovoltaic volume opened high, opening less than 10 minutes once 20% limit, half-day trading than yesterday's all-day trading sharply increased by more than 200%; Yingli shares on the basis of yesterday's 20cm limit, hit the limit again today; Touri Xinneng, Qingyuan shares, Tianchen shares are vertically pulled up the limit.

New sub-fields of photovoltaic industry, such as BIPV concept, HJT battery, BC battery, POE film and so on, are also among the top gainers. Enlighten the design, maintenance industry shares or more than 10% of the limit.

Recently, under the guidance of the Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the China Photovoltaic Industry Association organized a "Symposium on the High-quality Development of the Photovoltaic Industry". Representatives of listed companies such as Development Research Center of the State Council, Energy Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission, National Development Bank, financial institutions and listed companies such as Trina Solar Energy, Jingke Energy, Longji Green Energy and Tongwei shares attended the meeting.VisualpinballFor this meeting.

The meeting pointed out that the industry will be encouraged to merge and reorganize, the market exit mechanism will be unblocked, and the crackdown on vicious competition in sales below cost will be strengthened. Photovoltaic enterprises and industries also need to do a good job, fully realize their main responsibility for solving the current predicament of the industry, put an end to vicious competition, truly take action from the standpoint of the industry, adhere to innovation-driven, long-term doctrine, and win-win cooperation. work together to maintain the order of fair competition.

Market analysts said that in the context of carbon neutrality, the photovoltaic new energy industry ushered in unprecedented opportunities for development, but it is also facing the challenges of overcapacity and market saturation. The imbalance between supply and demand makes the prices of photovoltaic products continue to decline. Some products have even fallen below the cost line. While maintaining healthy competition, the photovoltaic industry needs to find new growth points to avoid falling into a vicious circle of low profits.

Liu Hanyuan, chairman of the board of directors and director of the leading photovoltaic Tongwei joint stock group, pointed out at the 2023 annual shareholders' meeting that in 2023, the demand of the global photovoltaic industry will increase by nearly 80% compared with the same period last year. If the demand for this year and next year reaches a growth level of about 30% to 50%, even if the scale of production capacity remains unchanged, the supply and demand of the photovoltaic industry can be restored to balance. In the most optimistic case, the photovoltaic industry is expected to improve in the fourth quarter of this year; in terms of pessimistic expectations, there is more certainty that the industry is expected to improve in the fourth quarter of next year.

Pacific Securities believes that photovoltaic is deducting the extreme bottom, often at this time to give birth to greater long-term opportunities.

The medical and beauty industry continues to be booming.

The concept of medical beauty opened sharply higher in the morning, the plate index rose more than 2% in intraday trading, and the trading volume was sharply enlarged, with half-day trading exceeding that of yesterday. Gargle ordinary people once rose by 20% per second, Yuexin Health, Han Shang Group and so on opened the trading limit.

Hong Kong stocks related to medical and beauty also rose sharply, Junshengtai medicine once soared more than 38%, half-day turnover increased nearly 10 times compared with yesterday's all-day trading; medical thinking and health also rose nearly 20%, United medical, Ruili medical beauty and so on led the increase.

On the face of the news, it was reported by the media today that the Guangdong Provincial Health Commission issued a notice on the adjustment of medical cosmetic surgery programs. The notice shows that physiotherapy and injection therapy have been added in the cosmetic surgery level 1 project "(4) other". Among them, physiotherapy includes laser therapy, intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy, radiofrequency therapy, photodynamic therapy, ultrasound therapy, microneedle therapy, and thread techniques for tissue lifting and tightening, etc. Injection treatment includes hyaluronidase injection, scar injection, plastic injection, sclerosing agent injection, intradermal drug injection, and injection of hyaluronic acid, collagen, poly-L-lactic acid, polycaprolactone, hydroxyapatite, poly-double-lactic acid and other fillers.

With the improvement of living standards, people pay more and more attention to the external image, and more and more people receive medical beauty. According to Deloitte's Insight report on China's Medical and Beauty Industry in 2023, China's medical and beauty market grew by 20% in 2023, with a market size of more than 200 billion yuan, and is expected to maintain a compound growth rate of 15% and 20% in the next five years.

Data from the prospective Industrial Research Institute also show that in non-surgical medical projects, hyaluronic acid accounts for 31.7%. It is estimated that by 2026, the market size of hyaluronic acid in China will reach 12.7 billion yuan, with an annual compound growth rate of about 14.18%.

Although the medical beauty industry in China is growing rapidly, compared with other major medical beauty industry developed countries, the number of times of medical treatment per thousand people in China is only 1: 3 of Brazil and the United States, and only 1: 4 of that of South Korea. China's medical beauty market potential is still very huge.

Caixin Securities said that due to the influence of the high base in the same period last year, the medical and American plate continued to be under pressure, but the high prosperity of racing tracks such as restructuring collagen continued. In the short term, the high growth momentum of reorganized collagen, water light, botulinum and other popular tracks remains unchanged, and the strategic approach of expanding channels and products is still driving performance growth. In the long run, the logic of permeability improvement, light medical beautification rate improvement and localization rate promotion continues to deduce, and the dual development situation of supply and demand continues, so we are optimistic about the performance-to-price ratio of medical and beauty plate configuration.