seagamessoccer| Why has there been frequent rainfall in the south recently? Please check out this rainstorm prevention guide

Recently, precipitation in southern my country has strengthened again. So what are the characteristics of this weather process? What weather should the public pay attention to? How to prevent it? Zhang Tao, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, interpreted this.

The reporter learned from the Central Meteorological Observatory that from May 19 to 21, there will be a heavy rainfall process in the eastern part of Southwest China, Jianghan, South China, and southern Jiangnan. Some areas in Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian and other places will have heavy to heavy rains, including southeastern Guangxi, There are heavy rains in southwestern Guangdong and other places, and local heavy rains. Some of the above areas are accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, and local strong convective weather such as thunderstorms, strong winds or hail. The Central Meteorological Observatory issued an orange warning for heavy rain at 10:00 on May 19.

seagamessoccer| Why has there been frequent rainfall in the south recently? Please check out this rainstorm prevention guide

Why has there been frequent rainfall in the south recently and what are its characteristics? Zhang Tao analyzed that this round of precipitation is due to the strengthening of the South China Sea monsoon and the northward push.seagamessoccerTo control Jiangnan and South ChinaseagamessoccerThe dry and cold air caused rainfall. This monsoon surge (a phased strengthening monsoon) showed a slow eastward movement day by day, resulting in a heavy precipitation process from west to east in South China. Precipitation in Guangdong, Guangxi and Guangxi has significant convective characteristics, and convection not only moves slowly but also may have a "train effect", which in turn causes heavy rains. Extreme heavy rains may even occur in some coastal areas. In addition, local areas may also be accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

Zhang Tao reminded that the public should pay attention to preventing flash floods, geological disasters, urban and rural waterlogging and other disasters that may be caused by persistent heavy rainfall. They should also be vigilant against the adverse effects of slippery roads and stagnant water on transportation, and pay attention to travel safety. In addition, there are many showers and thunderstorms in North China and Northeast China today, and there is strong convective weather locally. We need to be vigilant against thunderstorms, strong winds, hail and other weather.

Recently, there are heavy rains in many places in the southern region

Please check the popular science of rainstorm prevention
