asiagame2022| [Research Express] Zhifei Biotech received surveys from Huayuan Securities and other institutions

Zhifei Biotech released the news on May 16, April 23, 2024 (Tuesday)-April 30, 2024 (Tuesday)asiagame2022, May 6, 2024 (Monday) to May 14, 2024 (Tuesday), the company received surveys from Huayuan Securities and other institutions. The recipients were Jiang Rensheng, Chairman and President, Li Zhenjing, Director, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Qin Fei, Director, Vice President and Secretary to the Board of Directors, Yuan Lin, Independent Director, staff of the company's IR team, reception locations, the company's conference room, Panorama website "Investor Relations Interactive Platform".

Main content of the survey

1. Currently, agency products account for a large proportion of the company's performance. Please ask Chairman Jiang to look forward to the development plan and performance contribution of the company's independent products in the next three to five years? Answer: From the data point of view, the current agency products do contribute a lot to the company's performance. However, after years of development and accumulation, the company has successfully built its three major research and production bases and nine major technology platforms have formed a production with clear levels and orderly progress.

List of recipients

noteasiagame2022: Due to space limitations, only the list of the top 10 institutions is displayed.

Institutional research and backtesting

In addition to the same day, Zhifei Biotech has received a total of 311 surveys from 262 institutions in the past year. The historical back-test situation is shown in the following table:

asiagame2022| [Research Express] Zhifei Biotech received surveys from Huayuan Securities and other institutions

Institutional research and backtesting in the past year

Note: 1asiagame2022. In this paper, the calculation of excess return adopts a market-adjusted model, using the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index as the benchmark index, and excess return = actual rate of return-benchmark rate of returnasiagame2022;2. "Recent year" refers to the recent year as of the latest announcement date.

Market institution research

On May 16, companies such as Aerospace Technology, Pumen Technology, Weichuang Electric, Xinxiangwei, Huashu High-Tech, and Zhibang Home Furnishings successively issued institutional research announcements. The details are as follows:

Survey of Shanghai and Shenzhen institutions

Disclaimer: This article is based on big data production and is for reference only. It does not constitute any investment advice. Therefore, the operation risks are at your own risk.