videopokerking|实探“五一”北京楼市:五环外现“热闹”景象 改善性购房需求大

Our reporter du Yumeng

Trainee journalist Zhang Xianyi

"I'm so busy during the holidays that I don't even have time to drink water." Beijing Changping District, a new property sales slightly apologetically told the Securities Daily reporter. In the process of introducing the real estate to the reporter, the salesman received several consultation calls.

On the eve of the May Day holiday this year, Beijing's housing purchase restriction policy has been optimized, that is, the restrictions on the purchase of houses outside the Fifth Ring Road have been greatly relaxed. In order to explore the landing effect of the new policy, the reporter visited a number of properties for sale outside the Fifth Ring Road in Beijing during the May Day holiday. Some of the new developments have an endless stream of visitors and are very popular.

The external heat of the five rings has increased obviously.

videopokerking|实探“五一”北京楼市:五环外现“热闹”景象 改善性购房需求大

According to the notice on optimizing and adjusting the Housing purchase restriction Policy in this City (hereinafter referred to as "the Circular") issued by the Beijing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Commission on April 30, on the basis of implementing the existing housing purchase restriction policy, allow corresponding families (including both husband and wife and minor children, the same below) or adult singles Buy a new set of commercial housing (including new commercial housing and second-hand housing) outside the Fifth Ring Road.

On May 4, a reporter from the Securities Daily noticed in a sales center in Haidian District, Beijing, that posters made according to the relevant contents of the notice could be seen everywhere in the sales center.

When the reporter registered at the front desk of the sales center and waited in line, the sales staff in charge of the reception told the Securities Daily that the optimization of the purchase restriction policy coincided with the May Day holiday, and there was a marked increase in the number of buyers coming to see the house. Compared with the rigid demand group, the demand for improved housing purchase is significantly more.

Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Zhongyuan Real Estate, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that Beijing has made great efforts to optimize the purchase restriction policy this time. At present, about 81% of Beijing's newly built commercial housing is outside the Fifth Ring Road, and about 70% of second-hand housing is outside the Fifth Ring Road. After the optimization of the purchase restriction policy, it is expected to stimulate transactions in these regional markets and increase market turnover. In addition, according to the monitoring data of the Central Plains Real Estate Research Institute, after the release of the New deal, the trading volume and visiting volume outside the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing were significantly enlarged, and the heat of typical projects in the hot plate, such as Houshayu and Changpingnan in Shunyi, increased significantly.

Ms. Xu, who was also in the sales center to learn about the real estate situation, told reporters that she would have waited for the "old and broken little" in the Fifth Ring Road to sell before she could buy a new house. After the "notice" was released, she suddenly had the qualification to buy a house, so she took advantage of the May Day holiday to take a look at the new house. Although the house has been hanging on the second-hand housing trading platform, she is in no hurry to sell.

Ms Xu's case is not alone. The reporter learned from the second-hand housing sales agency located in Haidian District that after the release of the notice, the number of second-hand houses listed in Beijing has declined recently. "these daysVideopokerkingThere are thousands less second-hand houses listed on our platform, and those with reduced prices have become less. " The intermediary told reporters that the "notice" has a greater impact on people who need replacement, and many customers who want to replace are no longer eager to sell their second-hand housing.

The reporter inquired about the relevant data and found that as of May 5, the number of houses listed on a second-hand housing platform in Beijing was 142368, down nearly 4, 000 from 146150 on April 29.

"the decline in the number of second-hand housing listings is related to the expectations of property buyers. In the case of positive market expectations, the seller's state of mind will also be relatively peaceful, and at the same time, price expectations will also be raised. " Yan Yuejin, research director of the Yiju Research Institute, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that the decline in the number of second-hand housing listings shows that the market has responded to the policy, which is a good phenomenon.

From the perspective of new housing sales, the aforementioned second-hand housing sales intermediary in Haidian District told reporters that as there is a situation in Beijing that the prices of new second-hand houses are hanging upside down, and there are many new plates to choose from outside the Fifth Ring Road, therefore, the "notice" is obviously more favorable for new housing sales outside the Fifth Ring Road.

"it should be said that outside the Fifth Ring Road has already become the main area of new housing supply in Beijing, the introduction of" notice "is conducive to the release of incremental inventory." So said Li Zhen, vice president of Anjuke Research Institute.

There is still room for policy optimization.

As the optimization of the purchase restriction policy in Beijing is based on the five rings as the dividing line, compared with the "lively" scene outside the fifth ring road, the number of visits inside the fifth ring road is obviously uneven.

"although after the introduction of the new policy, it will release a certain demand for improvement, but at present, the number of visitors to the South fourth Ring Road has not changed much." A real estate agent in Fengtai District of Beijing said in an interview with a reporter from the Securities Daily.

For some home buyers, even if the new deal lowers the threshold for buying houses, they still have to "sell the old and buy the new" to achieve improved replacement. "I still hope the house can be sold as soon as possible." Ms. Zhao, who is listed for sale on the second-hand housing platform, told reporters that even if she is qualified to replace new houses, she still needs to free up funds by selling existing properties. Therefore, we look forward to more real estate support policies in Beijing in the future.

Chen Wenjing, director of market research at the Research Institute of the Middle finger, predicted in an interview with the Securities Daily that in the future, Beijing real estate policy still has room for optimization and gradual optimization may become the main tone. From the point of view of supporting rigid demand and diversified demand for improved housing, as well as the spatial pattern of urban development in the future, there are still expectations for the optimization of purchase restrictions for different people, different areas and different regions in Beijing in the future. In addition, some restrictive policies introduced in the past stage of overheated real estate market are no longer in line with the current market environment, and are expected to be optimized and adjusted one after another in the future.