blockchainroulette| The photovoltaic sector is facing a long-lost "rising sound". Is spring still far behind?

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blockchainroulette| The photovoltaic sector is facing a long-lost "rising sound". Is spring still far behind?

The photovoltaic plate, which has been depressed for a long time, ushered in a long-lost rise. On May 22, the photovoltaic industry chain continued to break out, setting off a rising tide. King Kong Photovoltaic (300093Blockchainroulette.SZ), Oriental Sunrise (300118)BlockchainrouletteMore than 10 stocks, including .SZ), Junda shares (002865.SZ), Jingao Technology (002459.SZ) and Aixu shares (600732.SH), rose by the daily limit, while Longji Green Energy (601012.SH) and 600438.SH shares (600438.SH) rose sharply, and the Wande Photovoltaic Index (884045.WI) closed up 4.88%.

The above market was ignited by a piece of news from the photovoltaic industry association.

The association released news on May 21, recently.BlockchainrouletteThe price of China's photovoltaic industry chain is declining all the way, and enterprises are under pressure, which has a negative impact on the high-quality development of China's photovoltaic industry. In order to explore the current problems, causes and countermeasures of the photovoltaic industry, and to guide the orderly development of the industry, on the afternoon of the 17th, under the guidance of the Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the China Photovoltaic Industry Association organized a "Symposium on High-quality Development of Photovoltaic Industry" in Beijing.

The meeting pointed out that the photovoltaic industry is an industry with a very high degree of marketization, and it is more appropriate to solve the current difficulties of the industry through market-oriented means, but it should also give full play to the role of the government's visible hands, including optimizing the guiding role of photovoltaic manufacturing industry management policies on industry capacity construction, improving key technical indicators, standardizing the management of local governments' investment policies, and establishing a national unified market. Adapt to the characteristics of fast iteration of photovoltaic technology, establish effective intellectual property protection measures, encourage industry merger and reorganization, smooth the market exit mechanism, and strengthen the crackdown on vicious competition in sales below cost; ensure the stable growth of the domestic photovoltaic market, explore to support the application of advanced technology through demonstration projects, and change the situation of winning bids at low prices.

Message display Representatives from Trina Solar Energy, Xiexin Technology, Jingke Energy, Ates, Longji Green Energy, Tongwei shares, Daquan Energy, Yibin Municipal Government, Development Research Center of the State Council, National Research think Tank, Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, National Engineering Research Center for Silicon-based material preparation Technology, National Development Bank, Industrial Bank and other photovoltaic enterprises, research units, local governments and financial institutions attended the meeting. Representatives of the Standards and Technology Committee of China Photovoltaic Industry Association and the Special Committee on intellectual property Rights also attended and reported on the progress of the relevant work.

The market believes that this means that the clearance of backward production capacity will be accelerated and the recovery signal of the industry bottoming out will be enhanced.

"the industry association will face up to the problems in development and stimulate the endogenous driving force and vitality of the high-quality development of the industry, which will help to promote the healthy and sound development of the industry." The person in charge of Longji Green Energy told that production capacity technology iteration and industry merger and reorganization are issues that photovoltaic enterprises have to face in the short and medium term, and scientific and technological innovation is the core that affects the long-term development of enterprises in the future. The short-term problems of the industry and the competition reshuffle are the embodiment of a high degree of marketization, and enterprises should also follow the market law in order to cross the cycle. However, the spontaneity, blindness and lag of the market mechanism need some macro guidance. Vicious competition, low-price bidding, product homogenization and other phenomena hinder the healthy competition of the industry. "

Under the background of traditional demand off-season superimposed price war, the performance of many head photovoltaic enterprises in the first quarter of this year is under pressure, and the operating situation of second-and third-tier companies is more difficult.

The real turnaround still has to wait.

By May, the price of upstream polysilicon has exceeded the cash cost of all enterprises in production, and more than half of the head enterprises have maintenance plans. On the wafer side, the inner volume continues, and the bidding competition between enterprises goes down. According to PVInfoLink data, according to the average price of polysilicon 42 yuan / kg, the gross profit of silicon wafer enterprises has changed by more than-30%, and there is a lot of blood loss among manufacturers under irrational competition. The prices of battery chips and components also continue to show a downward trend. The component orders in May are mainly in the domestic market, mostly for collection projects. Recently, affected by the price fluctuations in the supply chain, the market wait-and-see mood is pervasive, overseas demand is flat, and the inventory of some components has risen slightly.

Liu Hanyuan, chairman of Tongwei Group, predicted at the recent shareholders' meeting that in the most optimistic scenario, the industry will improve in the fourth quarter of this year, and in the most pessimistic situation, the industry will improve in the fourth quarter of next year.