betfairvideopoker| Shandong will start building 12,000 units of rationing affordable housing this year

Gelonghui May 20| According to Shandong releasebetfairvideopoker, last yearbetfairvideopokerShandong has built a total of 8 affordable rental housingbetfairvideopoker.450,000 units (rooms), with rental subsidies of 8betfairvideopoker.20,000 households, completing 101% and 183% of the annual target tasks respectively. Yang Huanli, deputy director of the Housing Security Division of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Shandong Province, said that around solving the basic housing needs of the people, Shandong has accelerated the construction of rationed affordable housing this year. By organizing and conducting housing demand surveys, the scope of protection and access conditions have been clarified, and qualified personnel will be included in the waiting list, and construction will be determined based on needs, and efforts will be made to start construction of 12000 units throughout the year. At the same time, 47,000 units (rooms) of affordable rental housing and 500 units of public rental housing will continue to be built during the year to give full play to the role of affordable housing and effectively solve the housing difficulties of low-and middle-income groups.

betfairvideopoker| Shandong will start building 12,000 units of rationing affordable housing this year