pennpursuitthree| Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Further leverage the role of the real estate financing coordination mechanism, commercial banks should lend all loans to compliance whitelist projects

Financial front-line news on May 17pennpursuitthree, the State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on State Council policies this afternoonpennpursuitthree, the heads of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the People's Bank of China, and the State Financial Supervision and Administration Administration introduced the relevant situation of supporting policies for the work of guaranteeing property delivery, and answered questions from reporters. Regarding the "white list" of real estate, Dong Jianguo, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said that to further leverage the role of the real estate financing coordination mechanism to meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects, city governments should promote projects that meet the conditions of the "white list" and make every progress. Commercial banks should lend all the loans to compliant whitelisted projects to meet the reasonable financing needs of projects under construction.

pennpursuitthree| Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Further leverage the role of the real estate financing coordination mechanism, commercial banks should lend all loans to compliance whitelist projects