pokeryoutube| Quantitative trading is regulated! Is the market ushering in a big move?

The stock market is always unfathomable.PokeryoutubeThe securities opened high and went low, and the speculative mood in the market was not as expected. Northbound funds closed, A shares chose Zhongyin adjustment. The prediction was wrong. I thought it would be pulled up by the big positive line, and finally I was beaten "black and blue" by the market. The stock market is like this, we must be in awe of it, do your own trading plan, position management. Good! Quantitative trading is regulated. On May 15, in order to implement the provisions of the Securities Law on the supervision of procedural transactions in the securities market, the Securities Regulatory Commission formulated and issued the provisions on the Management of procedural transactions in the Securities Market (for trial implementation), which was formally implemented on October 8.

How will the market operate in five months' time? Given the transition time for quantitative trading, the news is good for the market, and the market does not move, in part because there is a quantitative smash as long as it rebounds. Securities, after the high opening in the morning, fell in a straight line, will not guess, is a quantitative smash. Quantitative trading is not omnipotent, but it does affect the short-term trend of the market, and retail investors play games in front of them, just like playing games with robots (300024). Not surprisingly, the following market will slowly change to value investment. Some people say that there is no bull market for A shares, because the stocks they hold have been eliminated, either by ST or by negative decline. At the beginning of the bull market, the bottom of the funds are blue chip stocks, whether it is Huijin inflow of 300 index stocks, or foreign capital, major shareholder buybacks.

If there is no incremental capital inflow, the stocks we hold will not rebound naturally. Xiaxia's stocks have rebounded by more than 30% at the beginning of the year, some by 40%. They have been shared before, and the combined net profit of the four stocks in 2023 is nearly 100 billion. A-share, the market will usher in a "big move" tomorrow Thursday? With the return of northbound funds, there is a good chance that there will be a big move, and the gap will be filled. It is likely to bottom out and pick up around 3100, pulling up the positive line. Some predictions will be absent, but will not be late. A mature investor, do not go up, do not sell, do not fall do not buy. Time certainty, sometimes not so important, the stock price Jiancang, departure position is important. The smashing of securities is not a shipment, although it is the Dayin line, also known as the tombstone line, but there is no volume, indicating that the main funds have not left the market, how to ship the trading volume at this point?

pokeryoutube| Quantitative trading is regulated! Is the market ushering in a big move?

The trading volume of the entire securities industry is only about 30 billion, and the main funds are arranged in this way, so as to ship goods for this profit, do not imagine that large funds are "over-the-top". Most likely will usher in a rebound, finance, spirits pull up the index, new energy is likely to continue to rebound, today is rising back down, obviously not shipping, more like a test plate, testing the selling pressure of the market. No matter what the market situation is, retail investors need to adjust their mindset, whether they lose or earn, they are all in the process of the stock market, and they have not left the market, so do not calculate their profits and losses. Just believe that the future market will be better, the present is the bottom of history, sometimes look at the moon line, the heart will be much more secure, daily fluctuations only affect the mood, will cause us to make mistakes.

Plate name Securities keywords quantitative trading, securities market, securities law bullish bearish (bearish) market has been in the adjustment stage, the implementation of quantitative trading regulations has a great negative impact on the market! Quantitative trading has been regulated, A shares, tomorrow Thursday the market will usher in a "big move"? Hexun self-selected Stock Writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.